The Desire to Create is Inside Each Human Soul – Part 2

If you want to be an artist, if you want to go halfway there, you just to believe that you can actually do it. With that belief, you are halfway there. You work out like rough ideas. People get a piece of white paper and they get so scared that it’s going to look ugly. But there is always more paper. It’s cheap. Yes, I have drawn ugly stuff. I will admit that, but there is always more paper. You know what I mean. You just need to do it!

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Tom Holdman
The Desire to Create is Inside Each Human Soul – Part 1

I come up with concepts and ideas and then we sketch them. It begins as a rough idea sketch and then it gets handed in to the client like the LDS Church and they see it and approve it or make any alterations they want. I take that small sketch and pose models up and then I do a full-size sketch. Off this larger sketch, I do the art glass itself. One example of is the First Vision in the Palmyra temple. Another example is the sketch of Christ coming to the America’s and now it’s all done and in the Brazil temple.

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Tom Holdman